Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q:  I’ve never had an in-home spray tan before, what should I expect?

A: Your spray tan artist will require about 7 sq/ft of working space and access to a power outlet. The entire process takes about 30 mins. We leave your space the same way we found it, mess free!

Q: How long will my spray tan last?

A: Approximately 7 days. Spray tanning is achieved by tanning your skin’s first layer of dead skin cells. As your skin cells exfoliate that is when your tan will start to fade.

Q: I am going on vacation and I want to be tan for my trip, when should I schedule my spray tan?

A: 1 or 2 days before, if you schedule your tan too far in advance than you will increase the chance of your tan fading.

Q: How should I prepare for my appointment?

A: Take care of any waxing or shaving 1 day before also be sure to have your manicure/pedicure done before your session. We recommend exfoliating and moisturizing your skin as much as possible leading up to your appointment. Healthy skin tans best! However, do not wear lotion or make up for your in-home spray tan session.

Q: Can I get a spray tan if I am sunburnt or my skin is peeling?

A: No, unfortunately, if you are experiencing sunburn or peeling skin your tan may not develop evenly and for that reason we will refuse service. 

Q: What is the process like during my appointment?

A: Get comfortable and show any skin you want tanned! Men must wear underwear or a bathing suit. One of our expert airbrush technicians will use a technique to apply a gentle mist to your skin. It’s as simple as that!

 Q: What should I expect after my appointment?

A: For best results, we recommend not bathing, showering or engaging in activity that will cause you to perspire for at least 8 hours after your airbrush tan application. That also depends on whether you choose regular or express. Exposure to excessive moisture during this time period may affect your results.

 Q: I've heard that airbrush tanning will leave me with an “orange/streaky” look, is this true? 

A: We've heard all those things before too! We pride ourselves on flawless, even natural looks and will deliver that to you!